We all know that it can be very dangerous for teens to experiment with alcohol, but it may have more effects than most parents think about. SADD reports: Three out of every four students (75%) have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of high school.
That means that this is an issue we all need to be aware of. Not only can alcohol impair judgment and dull reflexes but it can also help to lower inhibitions to an alarming level. Statistics from a CASA Report (Court Appointed Special Advocacy Association) found that teenagers who have been drinking are seven times more likely to have sex than those who are sober. If your teen’s intention is to wait until marriage to have sex then this is an issue that could completely sidetrack their goals.
Many parents set high expectations for their children in so many areas of their lives such as grades, no drug use, no traffic violations, and waiting for sex, but they think nothing of their teen attending a party where there will be beer or other forms of alcohol. The truth is that alcohol can be very damaging, not only to your teen’s body, but to their goals and aspirations for their lives.
If you want your teen to succeed and not have to deal with harmful consequences, put your foot down when it comes to underage drinking.
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