Friday, June 25, 2010

What Were They Thinking?

If you are talking about a teenager, the answer is: they probably weren’t. New studies have shown that the adolescent brain is far from fully developed until the person reaches their mid twenties. The part that seems the most underdeveloped during that period is the cerebellum where the reasoning and logic skills take place. So instead of teenagers using reason and logic when they make a decision, they use their feelings as they tend to think mostly out of the amygdala where feelings are centered. So to a teen the mantra is “If it feels good, do it!” The truth is that parents are needed to provide support for their teens when it comes to logic and reasoning until their brains are fully formed and all the connections and synapses are made. We here at Step Up Now can provide parents with up to date, medically accurate information to equip them to talk to their kids about the risks associated with pre-marital sex.

We provide Parent Presentations and parent support groups that cover the Big Talk book. If you are interested in attending a support group or presentation, or if you would like to set one up for your church, or organization, please call our Program Specialist, Samantha Alexander at 452-7859 or email her at:

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